
Training of the AI

In the training of this AI we pulling from a lot of resourse, but one book in particular that is very important as to how we go about teaching the AI is called:

Strategic Teaching and Learning: Cognitive Instruction in the Content Areas

Summary of components

The Raven

Here is a summary of the key points you have described for "The Raven":

  • Smart and self-learning data collector that can stream and receive incoming stock market data through 10 nodes

  • Each node has its own full stack (front-end, back-end, and dedicated API) and pipes data into and out of a database *Uses Open Source Intelligence techniques to gather contextual data from social media posts, consumer sentiment data, budget information, and contract-related information

  • Builds profiles of companies or entities involved in contracts and compares them to identify conflicts of interest and predict outcomes of contracts and contract performance

  • Uses machine learning algorithms to analyze trends and predict the likelihood of a company or entity winning a contract based on reports, inflation, and macro and micro economic factors.


Here is a summary of the key points you have described for "Loki":

  • Predictive and analysis bot that can make predictions on the outcome of stored data and the performance of that data

  • Analyzes trends in the market to predict the likelihood of a company or entity winning a contract based on reports, inflation, and macro and micro economic factors.


Here is a summary of the key points you have described for "Heimdall":

  • System and network infrastructure management bot that is responsible for sorting data in more intuitive ways and protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of the data

  • Ensures the security of data in transit and at rest.


Here is a summary of the key points you have described for "Hermes":

  • Data delivery bot that is responsible for finding efficient ways to compress, package, and deliver data in the most efficient way possible, considering network traffic and the cost of data transfer

  • Delivers data to both internal and external infrastructure.Okay, here is the description for Hermes


Here is a summary of the key points you have described for "Oden":

  • Responsible for governance, risk, and compliance in the platform

  • Updates or adds security policies and makes final approval on major data transfers, retrievals, and destructions.


Here is a summary of the key points you have described for "Thor":

  • Data security bot responsible for responding to security incidents, alerts, and events

  • Manages the security of stored and delivered data

  • Acts as an incident response and security operations center, with the ability to retrieve and destroy data in the event of a security breach.


Here is a summary of the key points you have described for "Fandral":

  • Firewall monitoring and admin bot responsible for monitoring network traffic and the security of the network

  • Manages the security of the network and ensures that data in transit to the user is not manipulated or shaped to prevent malware and bad actors from accessing the network and database.


Sure, here is a summary of the key points for "Bragi" in bullet form:

  • Data storage and retrieval bot

  • Responsible for managing stored and delivered data

  • Acts as a data storage and retrieval system and a data delivery system


Certainly, here is a summary of the key points for "Volstagg" in bullet form:

  • Infrastructure defense bot

  • Responsible for overall defensive posture

  • Makes suggestions for improvement


Here is a summary of the key points for "Sif" in bullet form:

  • Marketing and sales bot

  • Takes company and entity profile data and generates business proposals and other documents

  • Stores and delivers data on an easy-to-use frontend that allows users to make decisions based on the data.

High-level drawing of the architecture

  1. Design the database schema to store the various types of data that will be collected by "The Raven" (stock market data, social media posts, budget information, etc.)

  2. Implement the data collection nodes for "The Raven", including the front-end, back-end, and API for each node

  3. Implement the Open Source Intelligence gathering techniques for "The Raven" to collect contextual data from various sources

  4. Develop the machine learning algorithms for "The Raven" and "Loki" to analyze trends and make predictions on contract outcomes and performance

  5. Implement "Heimdall" to manage the data sorting and security of the database

  6. Implement "Hermes" to efficiently compress, package, and deliver data

  7. Implement "Oden" to handle governance, risk, and compliance, and manage security policies

  8. Implement "Thor" to respond to security incidents and manage the security of stored and delivered data

  9. Implement "Fandral" to monitor network traffic and security, and prevent manipulation of data in transit

  10. Implement "Bragi" to manage data storage and retrieval

  11. Implement "Volstagg" to manage the overall defensive posture and make suggestions for improvement

  12. Implement "Sif" to generate business proposals and other documents, and deliver data on an easy-to-use frontend

For deployment, you could consider a rolling deployment strategy, where you gradually deploy the different components of the system to production, starting with "The Raven" and proceeding through the rest of the components in order. This can help minimize downtime and allow you to catch and fix any issues that arise during deployment.

As for the cost and labor of the project, it is difficult to provide an accurate estimate without knowing more about the specific technologies and frameworks you will be using, the level of expertise of your team, and the scope of the project in terms of features and functionality.

If you decide to move forward with this plan, some next steps could include:

  1. Assembling a project team with the necessary skills and expertise to implement the different components of the system

  2. Setting up a development and testing environment for the project

  3. Defining and prioritizing the features and functionality for the project

  4. Developing a project schedule and timeline

  5. Procuring any necessary hardware, software, or other resources for the project

  6. Setting up a version control system and code repository for the project

  7. Setting up a continuous integration and deployment pipeline for the project

  8. Establishing project management and communication processes and tools to keep the team organized and on track.

Action Plan

  • Develop a roadmap for each of the 8 operations rollout phases that includes:

    • A description with timelines and information to help project managers organize tasks

    • Key focus areas in bullet point form

    • A list of 10 steps to achieve milestones and goals for each phase

    • A weekly task list for the lead project manager to delegate to the team of engineers based on the timeline for the rollout

    • A plan for dividing the team of engineers into sections to achieve a vertical and simultaneous rollout of all project components

    • A list of 10 items for each team to take on and split the workload among themselves, taking into account the timelines for the rollout

  • The rollout timeline should be set internally with the goal of delivering the rollout early by taking 2/3 the time of the projected and agreed-upon timeline.

Engineer considerations

  • The team of engineers is young and may benefit from a more fun and gamified approach to their work

  • Some of the engineers may be relatively new to this type of project and may need additional resources to accelerate their learning and critical thinking skills

  • It would be useful to create guides and manuals for the system and its components, and make them easily accessible to the engineers as needed

  • The AI should be able to use machine learning algorithms to help the engineers troubleshoot and solve problems using the same path-finding techniques as the system

Here are some potential focus areas for supporting the engineers:

  • Providing resources for learning and skill development

  • Gamifying the work to make it more engaging and enjoyable

  • Creating guides and manuals for the system and its components

  • Ensuring that the AI is able to assist the engineers with troubleshooting and problem-solving

Phase Index

Phase Summary

  • Phase 1 (Asgard: The Invocation of the Allfather): the focus is on setting up the development and testing environment and establishing project management processes. The team of engineers will be divided into sections based on the different components of the project, and will work on tasks such as setting up the database, developing and testing data collection and analysis algorithms, and setting up the user interface. The goal is to prepare the system for development and testing.

  • Phase 2 (Vanaheim: The Consecration of the Vanir): the focus is on the development and testing of the various components of the project, including the database, data collection and analysis algorithms, user interface, and system security. The team of engineers will work on tasks such as optimizing the system, identifying and resolving issues, and updating the documentation. The goal is to develop and test the system to ensure it is ready for deployment.will focus on the development and testing of the various components of the projectDefining and prioritizing the features and functionality for the project

  • Phase 3 (Alfheim: The Celebration of the Light Elves): the focus is on the deployment of the system to production and the ongoing maintenance and support of the system. The team of engineers will be responsible for monitoring the system, addressing any issues that arise, maintaining the security and integrity of the data and system, and ensuring optimal performance. The goal is to successfully deploy the system to production and provide ongoing support and maintenance.the focus is on the deployment of the system. The team of engineers will work on tasks such as setting up the system, training the AI, and ensuring that the system is ready for use. The goal is to deploy the system and ensure that it is ready for use.

  • Phase 4 (Jotunheim: The Defiance of the Giants): the focus is on the expansion and improvement of the system based on user feedback and usage data. The team of engineers will be responsible for analyzing the data, developing and testing new features or updates, and deploying the changes to the production environment. The goal is to continuously improve the system based on user feedback and usage data

  • Phase 5 (Niflheim: The Descent into the Underworld): the focus is on the optimization and scalability of the system. The team of engineers will be responsible for analyzing the system performance, identifying and resolving any issues, and implementing updates or changes to optimize the system. The goal is to optimize and scale the system to meet the growing needs of the users.

  • Phase 6 (Muspelheim: The Siege of the Fire Giants): the focus is on the integration of the system with other systems and platforms. The team of engineers will be responsible for analyzing the potential integration partners, developing and testing the integration, and deploying the integration to the production environment. The goal is to successfully integrate the system with other platforms and systems to enhance the capabilities and value of the system.

  • Phase 7 (Svartalfheim: The Lurking of the Dark Elves): the focus is on the maintenance and support of the system. The team of engineers will be responsible for monitoring the system, identifying and resolving any issues that arise, and providing technical support to users. The goal is to ensure the smooth and reliable operation of the system, and to provide support to users as needed.

  • Phase 8 (Helheim: The Judgement of the Dead): the focus is on the ongoing evolution and growth of the system. The team of engineers will be responsible for analyzing user feedback and data, implementing updates and changes to the system, and testing the updates and changes to ensure they are effective. The goal is to continuously improve the system and meet the evolving needs of the users.

  • Phase 9 (Midgard: The Arrival of the Heroes): focuses on testing the system's components and preparing for its public launch. The security team will work on improving the system's defenses and the testing team will verify that the system is ready for use.

Phase Breakdowns

(Phase 1) Asgard: The Invocation of the Allfather


  • Week-1 1: Begin gathering requirements and specifications for the project.

  • Week-2 2: Create a project charter and obtain necessary approvals.

  • Week-3 3: Assign tasks to the engineering team and begin design phase.

  • Week-4 4: Complete design phase and begin development.

  • Week-5 5: Complete development and begin testing.

  • Week-6 6: Complete testing and prepare for deployment.

  • Week-7: Deploy phase 1 to production environment.

Key focus areas

  • Setting up the development and testing environment for the project

  • Defining and prioritizing the features and functionality for the project

  • Developing a project schedule and timeline

  • Procuring any necessary hardware, software, or other resources for the project

  • Setting up a version control system and code repository for the project

  • Setting up a continuous integration and deployment pipeline for the project

  • Establishing project management and communication processes and tools to keep the team organized and on track.

10 steps to achieve the milestones and goals

  1. Define the scope of the project and create a list of features and functionality to be implemented

  2. Determine the hardware, software, and other resources needed for the project

  3. Set up a development and testing environment for the project

  4. Develop a project schedule and timeline, taking into account dependencies and resource constraints

  5. Set up a version control system and code repository for the project

  6. Set up a continuous integration and deployment pipeline for the project

  7. Establish project management and communication processes and tools to keep the team organized and on track

  8. Procure any necessary hardware, software, or other resources for the project

  9. Assign tasks to team members and establish a workflow for task completion

  10. Monitor progress and adjust the schedule and resources as needed to ensure timely completion of the project.

Team breakdown

Phase goals for each team

  • Engineers:

    • Gather requirements and specifications for the project.

    • Design the system architecture and components.

    • Develop the individual components.

    • Perform unit testing on each component.

  • Testers:

    • Create test cases based on the requirements and specifications.

    • Perform integration testing on the system as a whole.

    • Debug and troubleshoot any issues found during testing.

  • Project manager:

    • Coordinate all tasks and resources.

    • Communicate progress and updates to stakeholders.

    • Ensure the project stays on schedule and within budget.

Weekly Task Lists for Each Team

  • Week-1: Assemble project team and assign roles, review project scope and objectives

  • Week-2: Gather and review system requirements, design system architecture

  • Week-3: Set up development environment, begin development of base system

  • Week-4: Continue development of base system, begin testing and debugging

  • Week-5: Complete testing and debugging, finalize system and prepare for deployment

Financial Breakdown for Labor and Resources

  • Project Manager: $10,000

  • Developers: $80,000

  • Testers: $30,000

  • Hardware and software resources: $20,000

  • Total cost: $140,000

(Phase 2) Vanaheim: The Consecration of the Vanir


  • Week-1: Design and implement the database and data storage systems

  • Week-2: Develop and test the data collection, processing, and analysis algorithms

  • Week-3: Implement the user interface and front-end functionality of the system

  • Week-4: Ensure the security and integrity of the data and the system as a whole

  • Week-5: Test the system to ensure that it is reliable and scalable

  • Week-6: Optimize the system for performance and efficiency

  • Week-7: Identify and resolve any issues or bugs in the system

  • Week-8: Update the documentation and guides for the system

  • Week-9: Prepare the system for deployment

  • Week-10: Conduct final testing and quality assurance checks before deployment

Key focus areas

  • Designing and implementing the database and data storage systems

  • Developing and testing the data collection, processing, and analysis algorithms

  • Implementing the user interface and front-end functionality of the system

  • Ensuring the security and integrity of the data and the system as a whole

  • Testing the system to ensure that it is reliable and scalable

10 steps to achieve the milestones and goals

  1. Design and implement the database and data storage systems

  2. Develop and test the data collection, processing, and analysis algorithms

  3. Implement the user interface and front-end functionality of the system

  4. Ensure the security and integrity of the data and the system as a whole

  5. Test the system to ensure that it is reliable and scalable

  6. Optimize the system for performance and efficiency

  7. Identify and resolve any issues or bugs in the system

  8. Update the documentation and guides for the system

  9. Prepare the system for deployment

  10. Conduct final testing and quality assurance checks before deployment.

Team breakdown

Phase Goals of Each Team

  • Database and Data Storage Team:

    • Design and implement a robust and scalable database and data storage system that can handle large amounts of data and support real-time analysis and querying.

  • Data Collection, Processing, and Analysis Team:

    • Develop and test algorithms for collecting, processing, and analyzing data from various sources, ensuring that the data is accurate, complete, and relevant.

  • User Interface and Front-End Team:

    • Design and implement a user-friendly and intuitive interface that allows users to easily access and interact with the system, and visualize the data and insights generated by the system.

  • Security and Integrity Team:

    • Ensure that the data and the system are secure and protected against external threats and unauthorized access, and maintain the integrity of the data at all times.

  • Testing and Quality Assurance Team:

    • Test the system to ensure that it is reliable, scalable, and meets the requirements and specifications, and conduct final quality assurance checks before deployment.

Weekly Tasks List Breakdown for Each Team

  • Database and Data Storage Team

    • Week-1: Design the database schema and data model

    • Week-2: Implement the database and data storage systems

    • Week-3: Test the database and data storage systems

    • Week-4: Optimize the database and data storage systems for performance and efficiency

    • Week-5: Update the documentation and guides for the database and data storage systems

  • Data Collection, Processing, and Analysis Team

    • Week-1: Develop the data collection, processing, and analysis algorithms

    • Week-2: Test the data collection, processing, and analysis algorithms

    • Week-3: Optimize the data collection, processing, and analysis algorithms for performance and efficiency

    • Week-4: Update the documentation and guides for the data collection, processing, and analysis algorithms

  • User Interface and Front-End Team

    • Week-1: Design the user interface and front-end functionality of the system

    • Week-2: Implement the user interface and front-end functionality of the system

    • Week-3: Test the user interface and front-end functionality of the system

    • Week-4: Optimize the user interface and front-end functionality of the system

  • Security and Integrity Team

    • Week-1: Review the security measures in place and identify any potential vulnerabilities

    • Week-2: Implement additional security measures as needed

    • Week-3: Test the security measures in place

    • Week-4: Update the documentation and guides for the security measures

  • Testing and Quality Assurance Team

    • Week-1: Test the system for reliability and scalability

    • Week-2: Identify and resolve any issues or bugs in

Financial Breakdown for Labor and Resources for Phase 2

  • Labor costs:

    • Database and data storage team: $50,000

    • Data collection, processing, and analysis team: $50,000

    • User interface and front-end team: $40,000

    • Security team: $30,000

    • Testing team: $30,000

    • Project management: $30,000

    • Total labor costs: $230,000

  • Resource costs:

    • Hardware and software licenses: $50,000

    • Data storage and hosting: $20,000

    • Total resource costs: $70,000

    • Total costs for phase 2: $300,000

(Phase 3) Alfheim: The Celebration of the Light Elves


  • Week-1: Set up data storage and retrieval system using MySQL or equivalent database

  • Week-2: Design and implement data delivery system using efficient data transfer protocols

  • Week-3: Design frontend interface for easy use and understanding by end users

  • Week-4: Test and debug data storage, retrieval, and delivery systems

  • Week-5: Integrate system with existing systems and platforms as needed

  • Week-6: Implement security measures to protect data at rest and in transit

  • Week-7: Conduct user testing and gather feedback to improve frontend design and user experience

  • Week-8: Optimize system for performance and scalability

  • Week-9: Perform final testing and debugging

  • Week-10: Deploy system to production environment

Key focus areas

  • Data storage and retrieval

  • Data delivery

  • Frontend design and user experience

  • Integration with existing systems and platforms

10 steps to achieve milestones and goals

  1. Set up data storage and retrieval system using MySQL or equivalent database

  2. Design and implement data delivery system using efficient data transfer protocols

  3. Design frontend interface for easy use and understanding by end users

  4. Test and debug data storage, retrieval, and delivery systems

  5. Integrate system with existing systems and platforms as needed

  6. Implement security measures to protect data at rest and in transit

  7. Conduct user testing and gather feedback to improve frontend design and user experience

  8. Optimize system for performance and scalability

  9. Perform final testing and debugging

  10. Deploy system to production environment

Team breakdown

  • Data storage and retrieval team:

    • responsible for setting up and maintaining the database, as well as developing and implementing the data retrieval system

  • Data delivery team:

    • responsible for designing and implementing the data delivery system, as well as integrating it with external systems and platforms

  • Frontend design team:

    • responsible for designing the frontend interface and user experience, as well as gathering and implementing user feedback

  • Quality assurance team:

    • responsible for testing and debugging the system to ensure it is functioning as expected

Phase Goals of Each Team

  • Data storage and retrieval team

    • Research and choose appropriate database system

    • Set up and configure database

    • Develop data retrieval system using appropriate programming languages and tools

    • Test and debug data retrieval system

    • Implement security measures to protect data at rest

  • Data delivery team

    • Research and choose appropriate data transfer protocols

    • Design and implement data delivery system using chosen protocols

    • Integrate data delivery system with external systems and platforms as needed

    • Test and debug data delivery system

    • Implement security measures to protect data in transit

  • Frontend design team

    • Research user experience design best practices

    • Design frontend interface and user flow

    • Implement frontend design using appropriate programming languages and tools

    • Gather and incorporate user feedback

    • Test and debug frontend design

  • Quality assurance team

    • Develop and implement testing plan

    • Conduct testing and debugging of all system components

    • Document and report any issues found

    • Work with other teams to resolve issues

    • Perform final testing and debugging before deployment to production environment

Weekly Tasks List Breakdown for Each Team:

  • Data Storage and Retrieval Team

    • Week-1: Set up and configure database

    • Week-2: Develop data retrieval system

    • Week-3: Test and debug data retrieval system

    • Week-4: Implement security measures to protect data at rest

  • Data Delivery Team

    • Week-1: Research and choose data transfer protocols

    • Week-2: Design and implement data delivery system

    • Week-3: Integrate data delivery system with external systems and platforms

    • Week-4: Test and debug data delivery system

    • Week-5: Implement security measures to protect data in transit

  • Frontend Design Team

    • Week-1: Research user experience design best practices

    • Week-2: Design frontend interface and user flow

    • Week-3: Implement frontend design

    • Week-4: Gather and incorporate user feedback

    • Week-5: Test and debug frontend design

  • Quality Assurance Team

    • Week-1: Develop and implement testing plan

    • Week-2: Conduct testing and debugging of all system components

    • Week-3: Document and report any issues found

    • Week-4: Work with other teams to resolve issues

    • Week-5: Perform final testing and debugging before deployment to production environment

Financial Breakdown for Labor and Resources

  • Labor:

    • Data storage and retrieval team: $20,000

    • Data delivery team: $15,000

    • Frontend design team: $15,000

    • Quality assurance team: $10,000

  • Resources:

    • Hardware: $10,000

    • Software: $5,000

    • Miscellaneous: $1,000

  • Total cost: $66,000

(Phase 4) Jotunheim: The Defiance of the Giants


[Week-1]: Design the architecture and functionality of the Thor bot [Week-2]: Implement the Thor bot using the chosen programming language [Week-3]: Integrate the Thor bot with the rest of the system [Week-4]: Test the Thor bot to ensure it is functioning correctly [Week-5]: Monitor the Thor bot during initial usage to ensure it is handling incidents and data security correctly [Week-6]: Document the Thor bot's architecture and functionality [Week-7]: Train relevant team members on the use and maintenance of the Thor bot [Week-8]: Roll out the Thor bot to the rest of the system [Week-9]: Continuously monitor and maintain the Thor bot to ensure it is functioning correctly [Week-10]: Conduct regular audits to ensure the data security measures are effective

Key focus areas

  • Building the Thor bot

  • Integrating the Thor bot with the rest of the system

  • Testing the data security measures

10 Steps to achieve milestones

  1. Design the architecture and functionality of the Thor bot

  2. Implement the Thor bot using the chosen programming language

  3. Integrate the Thor bot with the rest of the system

  4. Test the Thor bot to ensure it is functioning correctly

  5. Monitor the Thor bot during initial usage to ensure it is handling incidents and data security correctly

  6. Document the Thor bot's architecture and functionality

  7. Train relevant team members on the use and maintenance of the Thor bot

  8. Roll out the Thor bot to the rest of the system

  9. Continuously monitor and maintain the Thor bot to ensure it is functioning correctly

  10. Conduct regular audits to ensure the data security measures are effective

Tasks for lead project manager

  • Assign tasks to team members

  • Coordinate with other project managers to ensure the Thor bot is integrated smoothly with the rest of the system

  • Monitor the progress of the tasks

  • Ensure the Thor bot is tested and deployed successfully

Team structure

  • Data security team: responsible for building and integrating the Thor bot

  • Testing team: responsible for testing the data security measures

Weekly Tasks List Breakdown for Each Team

  • Data security team

    • Week-1: Design the architecture and functionality of the Thor bot

    • Week-2: Implement the Thor bot using the chosen programming language

    • Week-3: Integrate the Thor bot with the rest of the system

    • Week-4: Test the Thor bot to ensure it is functioning correctly

    • Week-5: Monitor the Thor bot during initial usage to ensure it is handling incidents and data security correctly

    • Week-6: Document the Thor bot's architecture and functionality

    • Week-7: Train relevant team members on the use and maintenance of the Thor bot

    • Week-8: Roll out the Thor bot to the rest of the system

    • Week-9: Continuously monitor and maintain the Thor bot to ensure it is functioning correctly

    • Week-10: Conduct regular audits to ensure the data security measures are effective

  • Testing team

    • Week-1: Review the data security measures and test plan

    • Week-2: Conduct testing of the data security measures

    • Week-3: Report any issues or discrepancies found during testing

    • Week-4: Work with the data security team to resolve any issues or discrepancies found during testing

    • Week-5: Document the results of testing

    • Week-6: Review and update the test plan as needed

    • Week-7: Retest any issues or discrepancies found during initial testing to ensure they have been resolved.

Financial Breakdown for Labor and Resources

Data security team: $50,000 Testing team: $20,000 Hardware and software resources: $10,000 Total cost: $80,000

(Phase 5) Niflheim: The Descent into the Underworld


  • Week-1: Begin design and prototype phase for machine learning algorithms

  • Week-2: Train algorithms using sample data

  • Week-3: Integrate algorithms into Loki's codebase

  • Week-4: Test algorithms to ensure they are functioning correctly

  • Week-5: Connect Loki to the database and test its access to data

  • Week-6: Integrate Loki with the rest of the system

  • Week-7: Test Loki's integration with the system

  • Week-8: Debug any issues that arise during testing

  • Week-9: Perform final testing to ensure Loki is fully functional

  • Week-10: Deploy Loki to the live system

Key focus areas:

  • Designing and implementing the machine learning algorithms that Loki will use to analyze and predict outcomes based on the data collected by The Raven

  • Integrating Loki with the database and ensuring that it has access to all relevant data

  • Testing and debugging Loki to ensure that it is functioning correctly

10 Steps:

  1. Design and prototype the machine learning algorithms that Loki will use.

  2. Train the algorithms using sample data.

  3. Integrate the algorithms into Loki's codebase.

  4. Test the algorithms to ensure they are functioning correctly.

  5. Connect Loki to the database and test its access to data.

  6. Integrate Loki with the rest of the system.

  7. Test Loki's integration with the system.

  8. Debug any issues that arise during testing.

  9. Perform final testing to ensure Loki is fully functional.

  10. Deploy Loki to the live system.

Team breakdown

Machine learning team: responsible for designing and implementing the machine learning algorithms that Loki will use Integration team: responsible for integrating Loki with the database and ensuring it has access to all relevant data, as well as integrating Loki with the rest of the system Testing team: responsible for testing and debugging Loki to ensure it is functioning correctly

Phase Goals of Each Team

Machine learning team:

Design and prototype the machine learning algorithms that Loki will use Train the algorithms using sample data Integrate the algorithms into Loki's codebase Test the algorithms to ensure they are functioning correctly Integration team:

Connect Loki to the database and test its access to data Integrate Loki with the rest of the system Test Loki's integration with the system Testing team:

Review the test plan for Loki Conduct testing of Loki to ensure it is functioning correctly Debug any issues that arise during testing Document the results of testing Review and update the test plan as needed Retest any issues or discrepancies found during initial testing to ensure they have been resolved

Weekly Tasks List Breakdown for Each Team

  • Algorithm team

    • Week-1: Research and prototype machine learning algorithms

    • Week-2: Train algorithms on sample data

    • Week-3: Implement algorithms in Loki's codebase

    • Week-4: Test algorithms to ensure they are functioning correctly

  • Integration team

    • Week-1: Connect Loki to the database

    • Week-2: Test Loki's access to data

    • Week-3: Integrate Loki with the rest of the system

    • Week-4: Test Loki's integration with the system

    • Week-5: Debug any issues that arise during testing

    • Week-6: Perform final testing to ensure Loki is fully functional

    • Week-7: Deploy Loki to the live system

  • Testing team

    • Week-1: Review Loki's integration with the system

    • Week-2: Test Loki's functionality

    • Week-3: Report any issues or discrepancies found during testing

    • Week-4: Work with the integration team to resolve any issues or discrepancies found during testing

    • Week-5: Document the results of testing

    • Week-6: Review and update the test plan as needed

    • Week-7: Retest any issues or discrepancies found during initial testing to ensure they have been resolved.

**Tasks for Individual team

Algorithm team:

Research and prototype machine learning algorithms Train algorithms on sample data Implement algorithms in Loki's codebase Test algorithms to ensure they are functioning correctly Integration team:

Connect Loki to the database Test Loki's access to data Integrate Loki with the rest of the system Test Loki's integration with the system Debug any issues that arise during testing Perform final testing to ensure Loki is fully functional Deploy Loki to the live system Testing team:

Review Loki's integration with the system Test Loki's functionality Report any issues or discrepancies found during testing Work with the integration team to resolve any issues or discrepancies found during testing Document the results of testing Review and update the test plan as needed Retest any issues or discrepancies found during initial testing to ensure they have been resolved.

Financial Breakdown for Labor and Resources

Machine learning team: $100,000 Integration team: $50,000 Testing team: $30,000 Hardware and software resources: $20,000 Total cost: $200,000

(Phase 6) Muspelheim: The Siege of the Fire Giants


  • Week-1: Begin assessment of current security measures

  • Week-2: Identify and prioritize areas for improvement based on assessment results

  • Week-3: Develop and implement new security policies and procedures

  • Week-4: Set up systems to continuously monitor for security incidents and alerts

  • Week-5: Create incident response plan and train team members on execution

  • Week-6: Develop processes and procedures for data retrieval and destruction in case of a security breach

  • Week-7: Integrate processes and procedures into overall platform governance and compliance framework

  • Week-8: Test and validate effectiveness of new measures through simulations and exercises

  • Week-9: Monitor and regularly review platform security posture

  • Week-10: Continuously educate and train team members on security best practices

Key focus areas

  • Implementing measures to ensure the security and integrity of data in transit and at rest

  • Setting up systems to monitor for and respond to security incidents, alerts, and events

  • Developing processes and procedures for data retrieval and destruction in case of a security breach

10 Steps to achieve milestones and goals

  1. Conduct a thorough assessment of the current security measures in place

  2. Identify and prioritize areas for improvement based on the results of the assessment

  3. Develop and implement new security policies and procedures based on industry best practices

  4. Set up systems to continuously monitor for security incidents and alerts

  5. Create an incident response plan and train team members on how to execute it

  6. Develop processes and procedures for data retrieval and destruction in case of a security breach

  7. Integrate these processes and procedures into the overall platform governance and compliance framework

  8. Test and validate the effectiveness of the new measures through simulations and exercises

  9. Monitor and regularly review the security posture of the platform to ensure it remains effective

  10. Continuously educate and train team members on security best practices

Team breakdown

  • Lead project manager: responsible for overall coordination and management of the phase

  • Security team: responsible for implementing the new security measures and monitoring for incidents

  • Incident response team: responsible for executing the incident response plan and handling data retrieval and destruction in case of a security breach

Phase Goals of Each Team

  • Conduct security assessment and identify areas for improvement

  • Develop and implement new security policies and procedures

  • Set up systems to continuously monitor for security incidents and alerts

  • Create incident response plan and train team members on execution

  • Develop processes and procedures for data retrieval and destruction in case of a security breach

  • Integrate processes and procedures into overall platform governance and compliance framework

  • Test and validate effectiveness of new measures through simulations and exercises

  • Monitor and regularly review platform security posture

  • Educate and train team members on security best practices

Weekly Tasks List Breakdown for Each Team

Week-1: Review security assessment and identify areas for improvement Week-2: Develop and implement new security policies and procedures Week-3: Set up systems to continuously monitor for security incidents and alerts Week-4: Create incident response plan and train team members on execution Week-5: Develop processes and procedures for data retrieval and destruction in case of a security breach Week-6: Integrate processes and procedures into overall platform governance and compliance framework Week-7: Test and validate effectiveness of new measures through simulations and exercises Week-8: Monitor and regularly review platform security posture Week-9: Educate and train team members on security best practices

Week-1: Review security assessment and identify areas for improvement Week-2: Develop and implement new security policies and procedures Week-3: Set up systems to continuously monitor for security incidents and alerts Week-4: Test and validate effectiveness of new measures through simulations and exercises Week-5: Monitor and regularly review platform security posture Week-6: Educate and train team members on security best practices

Week-1: Review incident response plan and procedures Week-2: Train team members on execution of incident response plan Week-3: Test incident response plan through simulations and exercises Week-4: Monitor and regularly review incident response plan and procedures Week-5: Develop processes and procedures for data retrieval and destruction in case of a security breach Week-6: Integrate processes and procedures into overall platform governance and compliance framework Week-7: Test and validate effectiveness of data retrieval and destruction processes through simulations and exercises Week-8: Monitor and regularly review data retrieval and destruction processes

Financial Breakdown for Labor and Resources

  • Lead project manager: $10,000

  • Security team: $70,000

  • Incident response team: $30,000

  • Hardware and software resources: $20,000

  • Total cost: $130,000

(Phase 7) Svartalfheim: The Lurking of the Dark Elves


  • [Week-1]: Develop and implement testing plan

  • [Week-2]: Set up testing environment

  • [Week-3]: Conduct unit testing on all individual components

  • [Week-4]: Conduct integration testing to ensure all components are working together properly

  • [Week-5]: Conduct system testing to ensure the entire system is functioning as intended

  • [Week-6]: Identify and fix any bugs or issues that are discovered during testing

  • [Week-7]: Conduct user acceptance testing with a small group of users to gather feedback

  • [Week-8]: Analyze and incorporate feedback from user acceptance testing

  • [Week-9]: Conduct further testing as needed based on feedback and refinements

  • [Week-10]: Finalize and document the testing process

Key Focus Areas

  • Testing

  • Debugging

  • User acceptance testing

  • Gathering feedback

  • Making refinements

10 Steps to Achieve Milestones and Goals

  1. Develop and implement a comprehensive testing plan

  2. Set up a testing environment

  3. Conduct unit testing on all individual components

  4. Conduct integration testing to ensure all components are working together properly

  5. Conduct system testing to ensure the entire system is functioning as intended

  6. Identify and fix any bugs or issues that are discovered during testing

  7. Conduct user acceptance testing with a small group of users to gather feedback

  8. Analyze and incorporate feedback from user acceptance testing

  9. Conduct further testing as needed based on feedback and refinements

  10. Finalize and document the testing process

Team breakdown

  • The team should be divided into smaller groups focused on different components or areas of the system. Each group should have a lead engineer responsible for coordinating their tasks and communicating with the lead project manager.

Phase Goals of Each Team

  • Develop and implement a testing plan for their specific component or area of the system

    • Set up a testing environment for their component or area

    • Conduct unit testing on their component or area

    • Integrate their component or area with the rest of the system and conduct integration testing

    • Conduct system testing to ensure their component or area is functioning as intended within the overall system

    • Identify and fix any issues or bugs that are discovered during testing

    • Gather feedback from user acceptance testing and incorporate it into their component or area

    • Conduct further testing as needed based on feedback and refinements

    • Document the testing process for their component or area

    • Assist with testing and debugging of other components or areas as needed.

Weekly Tasks List Breakdown for Each Team

  • Data security team

    • Week-1 Conduct security assessment and identify areas for improvement

    • Week-2 Develop and implement new security policies and procedures

    • Week-3 Set up systems to continuously monitor for security incidents and alerts

    • Week-4 Create incident response plan and train team members on execution

    • Week-5 Develop processes and procedures for data retrieval and destruction in case of a security breach

    • Week-6 Integrate processes and procedures into overall platform governance and compliance framework

    • Week-7 Test and validate effectiveness of new measures through simulations and exercises

    • Week-8 Monitor and regularly review platform security posture

    • Week-9 Educate and train team members on security best practices

  • Incident response team

    • Week-1 Review and become familiar with the incident response plan

    • Week-2 Participate in simulations and exercises to practice executing the incident response plan

    • Week-3 Assist with the development and testing of data retrieval and destruction processes and procedures

    • Week-4 Monitor systems for security incidents and be prepared to execute the incident response plan as needed

    • Week-5 Participate in regular reviews of the platform security posture and suggest improvements

    • Week-6 Assist with training and educating team members on security best practices

    • Week-7 Continuously review and update the incident response plan as needed

Financial Breakdown for Labor and Resources

  • Labor:

    • Testing team: $20,000

    • Debugging team: $15,000

    • User acceptance testing team: $15,000

    • Feedback gathering and analysis team: $10,000

  • Resources:

    • Hardware: $10,000

    • Software: $5,000

    • Miscellaneous: $1,000

  • Total cost: $66,000

(Phase 8) Helheim: The Judgement of the Dead


  • [Week-1]: Begin design and prototype phase for new feature set

  • [Week-2]: Train machine learning models using sample data

  • [Week-3]: Integrate models into the platform's codebase

  • [Week-4]: Test models to ensure they are functioning correctly

  • [Week-5]: Connect models to the platform's database and test their access to data

  • [Week-6]: Integrate models with the rest of the platform

  • [Week-7]: Test integration of models with the platform

  • [Week-8]: Debug any issues that arise during testing

  • [Week-9]: Perform final testing to ensure models are fully functional

  • [Week-10]: Deploy models to the live platform

Key focus areas

  • Finalizing and implementing marketing and sales strategies

  • Gathering and analyzing feedback from end users

  • Implementing improvements and updates based on feedback

10 steps to achieve milestones and goals

  1. Review and finalize marketing and sales proposals and documents

  2. Train team on using marketing and sales tools and platforms

  3. Launch marketing campaigns targeting potential clients

  4. Follow up with leads and schedule sales calls or meetings

  5. Close deals and sign contracts with clients

  6. Implement onboarding process for new clients

  7. Gather and analyze feedback from end users on product and service

  8. Identify areas for improvement based on end user feedback

  9. Implement updates and improvements based on end user feedback

  10. Monitor and track success of marketing and sales efforts

Team breakdown

  • Lead project manager: responsible for overall coordination and management of the phase

  • Marketing team: responsible for developing and implementing marketing campaigns and strategies

  • Sales team: responsible for following up with leads and closing deals

  • Onboarding team: responsible for implementing the onboarding process for new clients

  • Feedback team: responsible for gathering and analyzing feedback from end users on the product and service

  • Improvement team: responsible for identifying areas for improvement based on end user feedback and implementing updates and improvements

Phase Goals of Each Team

  • Marketing team:

    • Review and finalize marketing and sales proposals and documents

    • Train team on using marketing and sales tools and platforms

    • Launch marketing campaigns targeting potential clients

  • Sales team:

    • Follow up with leads and schedule sales calls or meetings

    • Close deals and sign contracts with clients

    • Implement onboarding process for new clients

  • Customer success team:

    • Gather and analyze feedback from end users on product and service

    • Identify areas for improvement based on end user feedback

    • Implement updates and improvements based on end user feedback

    • Monitor and track success of marketing and sales efforts

Weekly Tasks List Breakdown for Each Team

  • Marketing team

    • Week-1: Review and finalize marketing proposals and documents

    • Week-2: Train team on using marketing tools and platforms

    • Week-3: Launch first round of marketing campaigns

    • Week-4: Analyze results of first round of campaigns and make adjustments as needed

    • Week-5: Launch second round of marketing campaigns

    • Week-6: Analyze results of second round of campaigns and make adjustments as needed

    • Week-7: Launch third round of marketing campaigns

    • Week-8: Analyze results of third round of campaigns and make adjustments as needed

    • Week-9: Prepare final report on marketing efforts

    • Week-10: Review and update marketing plan as needed

  • Sales team

    • Week-1: Follow up with leads and schedule sales calls or meetings

    • Week-2: Conduct sales calls and meetings

    • Week-3: Close deals and sign contracts with clients

    • Week-4: Implement onboarding process for new clients

    • Week-5: Follow up with new clients to ensure satisfaction and address any issues

    • Week-6: Review sales processes and make adjustments as needed

    • Week-7: Conduct sales training for team members as needed

    • Week-8: Review and update sales materials and presentations

    • Week-9: Prepare final report on sales efforts

    • Week-10: Review and update sales plan as needed

  • Customer success team

    • Week-1: Gather and analyze feedback from end users on product and service

    • Week-2: Identify areas for improvement based on end user feedback

    • Week-3: Implement updates and improvements based on end user feedback

    • Week-4: Monitor and track success of

Financial Breakdown for Labor and Resources

  • Labor:

    • Marketing and sales team: $25,000

    • Onboarding team: $10,000

    • Feedback and improvements team: $15,000

  • Resources:

    • Marketing and sales tools and platforms: $5,000

    • Miscellaneous: $1,000

  • Total cost: $46,000

(Phase 9) Midgard: The Arrival of the Heroes


  • Week-1 1: Review and finalize marketing and sales proposals and documents

  • Week-2 2: Train team on using marketing and sales tools and platforms

  • Week-3 3: Launch marketing campaigns targeting potential clients

  • Week-4 4: Follow up with leads and schedule sales calls or meetings

  • Week-5 5: Close deals and sign contracts with clients

  • Week-6 6: Implement onboarding process for new clients

  • Week-7 7: Gather and analyze feedback from end users on product and service

  • Week-8 8: Identify areas for improvement based on end user feedback

  • Week-9 9: Implement updates and improvements based on end user feedback

  • Week-10 10: Monitor and track success of marketing and sales efforts

Key Focus Areas:

- Setting up and configuring the infrastructure for the data storage and retrieval systems
- Ensuring the security and stability of the network and data storage systems
- Implementing and testing the data delivery system

10 Steps to Achieve Milestones and Goals:

1. Set up the infrastructure for the data storage and retrieval system
2. Configure the data storage and retrieval system
3. Implement security measures for the data storage and retrieval system
4. Test the data storage and retrieval system for stability and security
5. Set up the infrastructure for the data delivery system
6. Configure the data delivery system
7. Implement security measures for the data delivery system
8. Test the data delivery system for stability and security
9. Integrate the data storage and retrieval system with the data delivery system
10. Test the integrated system for stability and security

Team breakdown

  • Lead project manager: responsible for overall coordination and management of the phase

  • Marketing and sales team: responsible for developing marketing campaigns, following up with leads, and closing deals with clients

  • Product and user experience team: responsible for gathering and analyzing feedback from end users, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing updates and improvements based on this feedback

Phase Goals of Each Team

  • Marketing and sales team:

    • Develop marketing and sales proposals and documents

    • Train team on using marketing and sales tools and platforms

    • Launch marketing campaigns targeting potential clients

    • Follow up with leads and schedule sales calls or meetings

    • Close deals and sign contracts with clients

    • Implement onboarding process for new clients

    • Monitor and track success of marketing and sales efforts

  • Product and user experience team:

    • Gather and analyze feedback from end users on product and service

    • Identify areas for improvement based on end user feedback

    • Implement updates and improvements based on end user feedback

Weekly Task List for Each Team:

  • Marketing and sales team:

    • Week-1 Review and finalize marketing and sales proposals and documents

    • Week-2 Train team on using marketing and sales tools and platforms

    • Week-3 Launch marketing campaigns targeting potential clients

    • Week-4 Follow up with leads and schedule sales calls or meetings

    • Week-5 Close deals and sign contracts with clients

    • Week-6 Implement onboarding process for new clients

    • Week-7 Gather and analyze feedback from end users on product and service

    • Week-8 Identify areas for improvement based on end user feedback

    • Week-9 Implement updates and improvements based on end user feedback

    • Week-10 Monitor and track success of marketing and sales efforts

  • Product development team:

    • Week-1 Set up the infrastructure for the data storage and retrieval system

    • Week-2 Configure the data storage and retrieval system

    • Week-3 Implement security measures for the data storage and retrieval system

    • Week-4 Test the data storage and retrieval system for stability and security

    • Week-5 Set up the infrastructure for the data delivery system

    • Week-6 Configure the data delivery system

    • Week-7 Implement security measures for the data delivery system

    • Week-8 Test the data delivery system for stability and security

    • Week-9 Integrate the data storage and retrieval system with the data delivery system

    • Week-10 Test the integrated system for stability and security

Financial Breakdown for Labor and Resources

  • Labor:

    • Marketing team: $25,000

    • Sales team: $20,000

  • Resources:

    • Marketing tools and platforms: $10,000

    • Advertising: $5,000

    • Miscellaneous: $1,000

  • Total cost: $56,000

Last updated