Ra Sentry


The Ra Sentry is a specialized security system designed to protect the Energy sector from cyber threats. As part of the Sentinel Project, Ra aims to provide real-time threat intelligence and incident response capabilities tailored to the unique challenges and requirements of the Energy industry.


  • Real-time monitoring of energy infrastructure.

  • Advanced threat detection algorithms specific to energy-related threats.

  • Integration with existing energy management systems.

  • Automated incident response protocols.

  • User-friendly dashboard for monitoring and management.


The Ra Sentry can be deployed across various energy facilities, including:

  • Power plants (nuclear, coal, hydroelectric, etc.)

  • Renewable energy sources (solar, wind, etc.)

  • Energy storage facilities

  • Transmission and distribution networks

Development Progress

The development board for the Ra Sentry can be found here. It provides a detailed breakdown of the tasks, progress, and milestones related to this Sentry.


For any questions, suggestions, or feedback related to the Ra Sentry, please reach out to our team or participate in the discussion board.

Last updated